Eco-Friendly Wood Flooring Options: Our Top Sustainable Choices

Eco-Friendly Wood Flooring Options: Our Top Sustainable Choices

As a society, we are slowly but surely becoming more environmentally friendly and socially responsible. We have seen an increase in people exploring green practices to make their homes eco-friendlier, including investing in sustainable options.

Now you may be thinking, what makes a flooring option sustainable? By definition, sustainable refers to something that is capable of being maintained. Choosing sustainable products for your home means picking ones that are high quality and built to last. Eco-friendly flooring means it was sourced from a company that manages forests responsibly, and is FSC certified. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is devoted to ensuring that forests are regrown, biodiversity is preserved, and air and water quality is protected. The non-profit’s stamp of approval indicates that forest operations met their extensive criteria including protecting wildlife, minimizing the use of toxic chemicals, and not being sourced via clear cutting.

Wood is one of the best eco-friendly and renewable materials you can choose for your home. Fewer raw materials are used to create wood flooring products, and they also require less energy and natural resources. If you’re interested in installing eco-friendly flooring in your home, keep an eye out for these sustainable wood flooring options:

Palm Wood

Palm trees that no longer produce coconuts are getting a second life as flooring. Typically, trees that do not produce coconuts are burned or dumped. When reclaimed for flooring it helps keep more of the rainforests intact by becoming a source of income for the farmers. Palm wood is a great versatile option for both homes and businesses as it its hard-wearing qualities are well suited for high traffic areas. Being a dense hardwood, it is less prone to damage.


Cork is a great versatile eco-friendly option with plenty of benefits. Cork comes from the bark of the cork oak tree, which can be harvested without harming the tree. The bark regenerates within three years, which makes cork a particularly renewable resource. Cork is also anti-microbial, it does not produce off-gas that can damage the quality of the air in your home. Additionally, it does not develop mold or mildew. It is considered a durable option due to its soft sponge like texture. It can sustain regular wear and tear and will not succumb to dents or gouges because of its unique texture. Cork is a natural insulator, it will feel warm to touch, rather than ice cold during the winter months. Lastly, cork is a great noise absorber making it a great option for high traffic areas, or loud spaces, like recording studios, where you would prefer sound not to travel.

Interested in exploring sustainable flooring options for your next flooring project? Give us a call, or stop by the showroom! 

Should I Install Cork Flooring?

Should I Install Cork Flooring?

If the word “cork” only brings to mind wine bottle stoppers, think again. Cork Flooring is a beautiful, comfortable, and sustainable alternative to traditional flooring options. This sleek and contemporary style of flooring has experienced a surge in popularity over the years. Cork comes from the bark of the cork oak tree found throughout the Mediterranean. Portugal is the largest producer of cork in the world with over 30% of the world’s cork trees and 70% of the world’s total cork production. Cork bark is made up of a tiny sealed honeycomb cellular structures containing gas of 90% air. These cells provide cushion and insulation. Cork can be compressed up to 40% and quickly returns to its original shape. This makes cork a very unique flooring material compared to either hard and delicate counterparts. As an added bonus, cork is environmentally friendly as it is a renewable and sustainable natural resource. Trees are harvested, on average, every 9 years and can produce up to one ton of cork per year. Cork trees typically have a lifespan of 150-200 years. 

Benefits of Cork Flooring

  1. Durability 

Cork flooring is resistant to cracking and abrasions. It’s also impermeable to liquids. Cork flooring has the ability to bounce back, so you don’t need to worry about your furniture causing indentations. When properly maintained, cork flooring will last 40+ years. 

  1. Health and Safety 

Cork is naturally resistant to mold, mildew, and termites. It is also considered anti-microbial. These natural properties make cork flooring healthy and safe for adults, pets, and babies. 

  1. Noise Reduction

No need to tip-toe around the house for a late-night snack when you have cork floors. Unlike hard materials like tile, wood, or vinyl, cork reduces impact noise like the sound of people or pets walking, or something falling on the floor.

Cork is a natural thermal insulator. With a warm hand (or foot) feel, this hardwood and tile alternative will reduce your energy bills through the cold winter months. Its resilience makes it easy to stand on for long periods of time, and makes it resistant to stains, mold and mildew. This renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable option has a minimal impact on the environment from harvesting through to the manufacturing process making it the perfect option for the environmentally conscious homeowner.

Interested in learning more about cork floor options for your home? Visit us in-store to learn more:

3 Tips For Protecting Your Floors On Vacation

3 Tips For Protecting Your Floors On Vacation

You go on vacation to relax, and spend some time outside of your house. But what happens to your hardwood floors when you’re out of town? Even after being transformed into flooring, wood is still a natural material that reacts to changes in the environment like humidity, temperature and light. Here are our top 3 tips to protect your floors while on vacation because the last thing you want to worry about while you’re kicking back on the beach is the condition of your flooring. 

  1. Check for drastic weather changes that can affect flooring 

If you live in a region that experiences drastic weather changes it may be worth investing in a thermostat that can be controlled remotely. Whenever there is a sudden peak or drop in temperature you can remotely adjust the settings on your thermostat to ensure you maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity levels inside your house. 

  1. Close all windows and skylights completely 

Prolonged periods of sunshine exposure can lead to the lightening of your hardwood floors. To keep your floors protected make sure you close all windows and skylights, and close your curtains or blinds. Another protective barrier would be adding a protective screen on the glass to reduce the amount of light that shines through.  

  1. Don’t turn your thermostat off! 

The indoor temperature of your house should remain between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit with a relative humidity level between 30%-50%. When it is too humid your hardwood flooring absorbs moisture from the air. This results in swelling and expanding of the wood which creates pressure between the boards that can lead to cracking. When humidity is low, it can result in the wood boards shrinking which can result in cracking and buckling as well. 

To prevent this from happening, leave your air conditioner and dehumidifier on while away to maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity levels. 

Questions about best practices for maintaining gorgeous hardwood floors? Give us a call!  

 Did you know? Series #1: The Janka Test

 Did you know? Series #1: The Janka Test

Did you know? The Janka Test measures the force required to embed a .444 inch steel ball into wood by half its diameter, and it is used to determine the ability of a wood specie to withstand denting and wear.Important when choosing the right hardwood flooring for your space, whether than be a high-trafficarea like your hallway or kitchen, or a basketball court.The chart featured here shows you the measurement formore than 20 hardwood species.Now you know.

How to prevent damage to your hardwood floor

Published by: Priscilla Bergeron Photographies by: Mélanie Lafond

(Original Author is Lauzon Hardwood Flooring)

Your renovation project is done; your new Lauzon hardwood flooring is installed, damage-free. You now have your dream décor and dream kitchen, and your house finally feels like a home. You are now wondering how you should care for your hardwood floor to make sure its beauty stands the test of time. As you know, your hardwood floor needs proper care and damage prevention no matter what room, species or finish you have chosen!

Here are our top-5 tips on how to prevent damage to your hardwood floor, along with a few things to take into consideration before you buy, for those of you still shopping for your hardwood floor.

1.  Preventing Scratches

Sand, dirt and sharp objects can scratch and damage your hardwood floor no matter the quality of the finish.

Sand, dirt and sharp objects can scratch and damage your hardwood floor no matter the quality of the finish.

Before buying your hardwood floor

– Choose a resistant finish
Good quality hardwood floor finishes, such as Lauzon’s Titanium finish, will not leave a chalky trace if scratched, as is the case with a standard Aluminum Oxide finish. Scratches are therefore less visible.

– Choose wood with character
Some wood species do have natural character that camouflage damage done by everyday accidents better than others, such as Red Oak and White Oak and Hickory, which are all open grain species. Click here to learn more about our Open Grain texture.

After buying your hardwood floor

– Vacuum and sweep
Vacuum you wood floor weekly, and sweep it daily, using a soft-bristled attachment or a broom, especially in high-traffic areas. Do not use vacuums with a beater bar or power rotary brush head as it will damage your hardwood floor. Vacuuming prevents gritty dirt and particle buildup that can scratch the wood’s surface.

– Use mats
Place floor mats at entrances and exits—they collect and trap corrosive substances that can be tracked in, such as dirt, sand, oil, grit, asphalt, or even driveway sealer. Remember to vacuum or shake out these mats regularly.

– Use protectors
Use felt protectors, protective pads or barrel-type coasters under all furniture legs, especially heavy ones, to protect your hardwood floor from scratches and indentations. Do not use plastic coasters, as they can damage your hardwood floor. Replace these often, as dirt and debris can become imbedded on the pad and act like sand paper on the floor surface.

– Sharp objects
Beware of sharp objects and high heels that can permanently scratch your hardwood floor. Ask your family and guests to remove their shoes.

– Pets
Keep pets’ nails trimmed and their paws clean. Pets can track in substances that cause scratching and stains.

– Deep scratches
Individual wood planks that are heavily damaged can be replaced by your Lauzon professional flooring installer. Always keep a few extra planks in case you need a replacement. 

2.  Preventing Dents

When there is impact or strong pressure applied to wood flooring, wood fibres crush, resulting in the appearance of dents. Each wood species’ hardness is inherent and unique to the species of the hardwood you choose; no manufacturer can influence that. Wood species’ hardness is measuredby the Janka Scale, as discussed in our blog post on hardwood floor hardness.

Before buying your hardwood floor

– Choose texture
Textured hardwood floor can help hide dents. Learn more about this here!

– Choose a flexible finish
It is important to know that high-quality hardwood floor finishes, such as our Titanium finish, have good flexibility. This flexibility allows the finish to absorb heavy impact without cracking by bending with the wood underneath. Although this will protect your floor, it won’t prevent denting.

After buying your hardwood floor

– Floor protection
Refrigerators and other heavy objects should never be moved without proper floor protection. Place them on a thick rug, back side up, and slide the rug so the weight is equality divided. The best method is to pick up the furniture to move it.

– High heels
Beware of sports cleats and high heels that will dent your hardwood floor, as they focus most of a person’s weight on the small heels area. A 125-pound woman walking in high heels can exert up to 8,000 pounds per square inch. Always ask your family and guests to remove their shoes.

– Deep gouges
Individual wood planks that are heavily gouged can be replaced by your Lauzon professional flooring installer. Always keep a few extra planks in case you need a replacement.

3.  Preventing Humidity Problems

Keeping the humidity at recommended level is essential to a healthy home environment, as well as for keeping your hardwood floor looking great. Wood is a natural material that reacts to changes in its environment. Therefore, it is important to keep humidity and temperature at the recommended level at all times, even when the home is unoccupied.

Before buying your hardwood floor

– Choose the right construction
Manufacturers have developed different types of hardwood floor constructions to “improve and control” wood flooring’s natural reaction to changes in humidity. Making sure to buy the right construction for your needs is key. And remember to keep humidity at the recommended level.

Expert engineered Lauzon hardwood floor
    – Humidity levels: 30-80%
    – Levels: Basements, main, upper floors and condominiums
    – Radiant heat: Compatible

Any other Lauzon engineered hardwood floor
    – Humidity levels: 35-65%
    – Levels: Basements, main, upper floors and condominiums.
    – Radiant heat: Compatible

Solid Lauzon hardwood floor
    – Humidity levels: 35-55%
    – Levels: Main and upper floors
    – Radiant heat: Not compatible

After buying your hardwood floor

– Humid season
Excess moisture causes your hardwood floor to expand. To prevent your hardwood floor from expanding, you should:
    – Maintain proper humidity levels with an air conditioner, dehumidifier, or by turning on your heating system periodically during the summer months.
    – Avoid excessive exposure to water from tracking during periods of inclement weather.
    – Make sure you leave free expansion space around the perimeter of your floor when installed and at all times afterward.

– Dry Season
Insufficient moisture causes your hardwood floor to contract or shrink. To prevent your hardwood floor from shrinking, you should:
    – Maintain proper humidity levels in your home with a humidifier during the winter months.
    – Be aware that wood stoves and electric heat tend to create very dry conditions, so make sure to use your humidifier when these are on.

Discover the 6 ways humidity can affect your hardwood floor by clicking here.

4.  Preventing Water Damage

Exposure to water is one of the main reasons why some people shy away from hardwood flooring in some areas of the home, such as kitchens. As we saw in our blog post about hardwood flooring in kitchens, if not stagnant or in big quantity, water does not damage hardwood floors. 

After buying your hardwood floor

– Area rugs
Use an area rug around the sink and dishwasher and in other similar areas to protect your hardwood floor from water and heavy traffic.

– Swipe it
Never allow liquid spills to remain on your hardwood floor; swipe it when you see it.

5.  Minimizing the Effects of the Sun

Over time, sun and bright light can have an effect on your hardwood floor. Some species will gradually age when exposed to sun, and some are more susceptible to yellowing than others.

Before buying your hardwood floor

– Choose sun protection
Choosing a hardwood floor with UV protection is especially important in natural or very light-shade species, such as maple, red oak, ash and birch—the most prone to yellowing.
Most Lauzon hardwood floors with Titanium Finish have integrated Sunshieldprotection minimize the harmful yellowing effects of the sun.

– Be aware of oxidation
Some wood species, mainly exotics, will gradually age when exposed to sun, which is highly desirable. They will reach a darker, richer hue depending on the species and the amount of light the floor is exposed to. This phenomenon, called oxidation, is inherent to the wood species.
It is mainly present in exotics—Brazilian CherrySantos MahoganyAfrican Sapele as well as Black Walnut. It is also visible in our OrganikSeriesHard Maple floor.

After buying your hardwood floor

– Use protection
Use protective window coverings to block fade-causing UV rays and excessive heat from direct sunlight.

– Move
Rearrange rugs and furniture periodically to help the wood age evenly. 

Remember, your new Lauzon hardwood flooring is an investment that can maintain its strength and beauty for years, especially with a little help on your part.

Love your floors, and your floors will love you back for a very long time.

(Original Author is Lauzon Hardwood Flooring)